Our plan for the 2023-2024 school year is as follows (with the understanding that as things evolve in our community regarding COVID-19 and any communicable diseases, this may be altered and communicated with parents via email in addition to the addendum to the Parent Handbook):

  • Enhanced Traditional Plan– We will begin school as normal with enhanced safety precautions in place such as:
    • Daily health observations If ANY symptoms exist then the staff or student is to remain at home until symptoms are reduced or cleared by the doctor that it is not contagious.
  • Staggered arrival and dismissal times
  • Increased frequency of cleaning of high touch areas, etc., by teachers and custodial staff.
  • Continued strong policy for good hygiene procedures with soap and running water and hand sanitizer; however, no student may use hand sanitizer independently.
  • Training for Staff and Parents will take place in August for any new procedures.
  • Physical Distancing– Increased safety and disinfecting measures as listed above, as well as:
    • Maintain portable air purifiers in all indoor spaces used by the preschool (excluding the use of the church)
  • In the event that several staff or students demonstrate symptoms of a communicable disease, we will add the use of ionizer at the end of each day to remove any lingering germs.
  • Child to teacher will be less than 3 feet distancing most of the time for safety and well-being of the children.
  • We adjusted our routines to increase our outdoor learning time to at least one-third of our program time.
  • We will readdress procedures if we identify changes in community transmissions and guidance from VDH, FCHS, and CDC.

Continue the practice of handwashing before/after snack, after toileting, after craftwork, before/after outdoor time, etc.

The Commonwealth of Virginia and the Fairfax County Health Department require that health forms with current immunizations be submitted to us at the beginning of each school year.

All preschoolers must be “potty trained” before entering our program.

We recognize that we can’t fully avoid COVID-19 but we are managing and reducing risk wherever possible as stated above.