Upcoming News and Announcements - 1/24/2025

Tax Statements for envelope contributions made in 2024 were mailed last week. Please keep an eye out for it.
The second collection this weekend will be for aid to help those affected by the wildfires in California.
The second collection next weekend will be for the Arlington Catholic Herald.
All families with young children are invited to a Family Potluck with games and food on February 1st in St. Joseph’s Hall in the Parish Center from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Food will be provided but bring a dessert to share. The Family Potluck requires an RSVP. If your family is coming, please use the link to sign up to bring a dish and let us know how many are coming. Thank you.
Join the Young adults as they gather for breakfast and coffee on February 2nd in St. Joseph’s Hall after the 9:30am Mass. 
Come see what is going on in Youth Ministry. They will be out in front of the church this weekend.
Food PantryBlue bags will be distributed this weekend, and donations can be turned into the Parish Center foyer any time before 1:00pm next Sunday.
The Luminaries of Holy Mary will be meeting in the chapel in the Parish Center on Monday at 5:00pm to discuss Fatima and pray the Rosary.
This coming Friday we will have all-day and all-night Adoration with a Holy Hour at 7:00pm. The final hour of Adoration, from 8:00am to 9:00am on Saturday will be a Holy Hour for Life.
The Knights are hosting a Spaghetti Dinner with Carlos Alberto Ibay performing some Opera selections next Saturday after the 5:00pm Mass. Then the Knights will offer Pancake Breakfast on Sunday after the 7:30am and 9:30am Masses in Farrell Hall.
SAVE THE DATE: The following events are coming up. Please make note on your calendar and watch for further information in our bulletin, on our website or in future Flocknotes!!
  • Bingo will be offered on Saturday, February 15th starting with chili and hot dog dinner at 6:00pm and bingo at 6:30pm.
  • Blood Drive is coming to St. Mary’s on Sunday, February 16th from 8:30am to 1:00pm in Farrell Hall. See the bulletin for details.
  • All-day and all-night Adoration are available every First Friday with Saturday devotions on the First Saturdays of the month.
  • Family Adoration is offered every third Saturday of the month starting at 10:00am in the new church.
  • Diaper, Wipes and Formula will be collected during the weekend of the fourth Sunday of the month and donations can be left in the foyer of the Parish Center.
  • Food Pantry donation bags are given out the first weekend of the month with the collection through the second Sunday at 3:30pm. Donations can be left in the foyer.
  • Martha’s Table Sandwich Collection is the fourth Sunday of the month with sandwiches dropped off in the back of Farrell Hall from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
  • Mardi Gras celebration will be held on Saturday, March 1st in Farrell Hall. Look for more information to come.


Moving Foward

As a reminder, this year, Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, March 5th with Easter on Sunday, April 20th. Start thinking about your Lenten practices and the sacrifices you can make for Our Lord. In preparation for Lent we will be working on the details for offering the following:
  • Fr. Jack Riley will be coming to St. Mary of Sorrows for Mission Talks April 7-9. 
  • Deacon Nick is giving a Lenten series talk. 
  • Lenten Penance Service.
  • Fish Fry starting Friday, March 7th.
  • Stations of the Cross.
  • Evening Mass following Stations.
There will be many opportunities for reflection, prayer and penance.

Welcome from our Pastor

On behalf of our parish family, welcome to St. Mary of Sorrows parish website! We would love for you to join us on Sunday, and every day!  Please look over our website and if we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to contact me or a staff member. Our mission/vision statement is listed below to provide you with a deeper sense of our commitment to our Lord Jesus.

In Christ Through Mary,
Rev. Thomas P. Vander Woude, Pastor

SMoSCaring Community