Room Request Procedure

Procedures for scheduling an activity or requesting space at St. Mary of Sorrows Historic Church and Parish Center sites.
July 2023 through June 2024
To arrange for a meeting or event at St. Mary of Sorrows we ask that you submit your request as soon as possible. Required diocesan and SMoS forms are available by clicking links below. To schedule a meeting or activity at the Historic Church, Old Hall, Parish Center or classroom at the Parish Center you will need to:
The forms, below, are fillable PDFs.
It is recommended that the free Adobe Acrobat Reader be used for viewing.
- Fill out a Room/Activity Scheduling Form to be completed for each different activity or group, although it is not necessary to do a form for each repetitive activity. Embedded in this form is a copy of the old Work Order Form which enables us to set up the room in a way best suited to your group. The form needs to be turned in at least two weeks prior to an event so that we may get the set up scheduled. We always appreciate having the form prior to the two-week deadline. Please fill out the entire form, include your email address, and return it to the Parish Office or email it to If yours is an outside organization, also include its Certificate of Insurance.
- You may also want to announce your activity in the bulletin. You can do so with the Bulletin Announcement/Pulpit Announcement Form. This form requires and even longer lead time than two weeks, especially if you would like a full-page color flyer in the bulletin. We have several different options for bulletin arrangements but the sooner we are aware of your needs, the better able we are to serve you and your group or ministry.
- Along with the scheduling of the group, we have a
- The Parish Solicitation Form is needed for any person or group that wants to solicit or collect money from the parish. The form will secure your place on the calendar and will familiarize you with our procedures for handling donations and contributions from parishioners. Please fill out the entire form, include your email address, and return it to the Parish Office.
- Facility Use Agreement (include with Parish forms)
- Renter’s Liability Insurance Application (Mail to Diocese – address on form) This application must be received by the Office of Risk Management at least 15 days in Advance of the event. Coverage is subject to approval by Waldorf & Associates Agency
If you plan to have liquor at your event, you’ll need to apply for a license from the VA ABC. Here is a link where you can do so. It’s likely you’ll need a “Special Event Banquet” license. Applying on-line is much easier and quicker than other options. If your organization has a non-profit number, the application process will flow much more smoothly. After you have completed the application, a special agent will probably call you to review your application with you.
Thank you for your interest in holding your events at St. Mary of Sorrows. We are very blessed here to be able to assist so many groups and activities in the various ministries in this parish. Ours is a busy parish and your consideration and patience are appreciated as we, together, build the Kingdom of God!