“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6: 8.

St. Mary’s Parish Outreach Ministry is dedicated to answering Jesus’ call to love and serve the Lord and those in need through prayer and acts of charity and justice. We want to be the Presence of Jesus to those who are hurting. We serve as an act of praise and gratitude to Jesus, our Savior.
We support the principles of Catholic social teaching, as described by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops:

Please see the Parish Bulletin for the most current info or contact Parish Outreach Ministry Coordinator: Christina Benedi 703-978-4141 x109

Amigos en Cristo † Friends in Christ

This group has great events throughout the year. More Info

Annual Coat & Clothing Drive

Since 2020, St. Mary’s has asked parishioners to take part in a community-based coat and clothing drive in support of House of Mercy in Manassas, Virginia. House of Mercy directly accepts clothing and household donations to assist individuals and families in need. For more information, please visit:

Bikes for the World

Bikes for the World, a non-profit organization, ships our bicycles to impoverished areas around the world. Your bikes and monetary donations are tax-deductible. The Bike Collection Committee needs volunteers: adults and teenagers with adult partners for the collection; and future adult leaders! Please email Bob Forgione or Maria Story in advance, to volunteer.

Helping at this annual event is a great way for St. Mary’s youth to earn service hours and for all to minister to the poor. We accept all serviceable and nearly complete children and adult bicycles (including tandems, recumbents and adult (only) tricycles); bicycle spare parts, components, accessories and tools; and even serviceable, quality portable sewing machines. See for more information and what wonderful ways your donations and time can help.

Car Ministry

Accepts donated cars and trucks for the purpose of giving them to the poor and needy and to those in full-time Christian work who qualify. To donate your vehicle or apply for a vehicle, please visit: Those requesting a vehicle must be referred by a Pastor or social worker.

Christmas Giving Program

St. Mary of Sorrows provides monetary donations to charitable organizations serving individuals and families in need, to purchase Christmas gifts and needed items for those they serve. This is made possible through the generous donations of St. Mary’s parishioners. Recipients have included: Fairfax County Department of Family Services (DFS) Foster Care and Adoption Program, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House residents, Main Street Child Development Center, OAR, The Gabriel Project, Arlington Mill Senior Center, Gateway Homes residents, Gartlan Center Program for adults with special needs, and Christ House – for men who are homeless and those who have substance use disorders.

St. Mary’s parishioners and volunteers also host an annual toy collection for House of Mercy in Manassas, serving families in need.

In addition, each year, the St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus provide dozens of holiday food baskets to families in need, through their hard work and generosity, and generous donations from the St. Mary’s parishioners and food pantry volunteers.

Easter Basket Program

At Eastertime, we share the joy of Jesus, our Risen Savior, by filling and wrapping Easter baskets with treats and toys that are distributed to children and families in need in our area. The St. Mary’s Boy Scouts lead the effort in preparing and delivering these Easter baskets, and Parishioners are invited to donate Easter candy and treats.

Recipients in recent years include the St. Mary’s food pantry families, The Gabriel Project families, Main Street Child Development Center students and families, and God Send Ministry International families.

Food for Others

See the Food for Others group webpage

Food Pantry


The St. Mary’s Food Pantry is available for families in need by appointment and helps support other local food pantries and charitable organizations. For more information, please contact parishioner POC, Karen Abraham: and/or find more here.

Gabriel Project and Project Rachel

Our parish has an active Respect Life Ministry with many parishioners serving with our community partners, including A Best Choice Ultrasound & Pregnancy Center, A Woman’s Choice Pregnancy & Resource Center, The MaRiaH Center, Paul Stefan Foundation, Rainbow, Safe Passage/Camino Segura, , and Sanctity of Life Ministry.

Hypothermia Shelter

January 2025, St. Mary’s will support St. John Neumann Parish in Reston, Virginia in serving those who are homeless by helping to provide meals and volunteer hours during the program week. The Sign-Up Genius link will be posted to our website and Flocknote when it becomes available. St. Mary’s parishioners can also volunteer with FACETS organization in Fairfax to drive during the 2025 program season. For more info and to sign-up as a driver, please contact Suzanne Hough –

Italian Heritage Society

Join us in celebrating Italian heritage and culture with social, educational, spiritual, and charitable activities. For more info, contact Julie Klosky, President –

Lenten Rice Bowls

Each year during Lent, St. Mary’s supports this Catholic Relief Services program of prayer, fasting, education, and giving that helps care for people locally and globally. The goal of the Lenten Rice Bowl program is to link participants in solidarity to one another and provide relief to those who are suffering in poverty. For more information, please visit:

Lenten Suppers and Stations of the Cross – 

Lent is a time we focus on prayer, fasting, service, and giving as we remember Jesus’ sacrificial suffering and death on the Cross for our salvation.

On Lenten Fridays, our Knights of Columbus will host a Fish Fry Dinner at the Parish followed by Stations of the Cross at church. More information about these events will appear in our Parish Bulletin and website during Lent. All are welcome!

Martha's Table

4th Sunday Ministries 
Since the 1980s, St. Mary’s has been sending a team of 3-4 adults and teens to deliver warm meals, sandwiches, and healthy snacks to homeless persons in DC, at two designated stops on McKenna’s Wagon (van) through Martha’s Table. Adults can be added to the pool of team members and/or drivers to DC as well as on McKenna’s wagon. Teens are also welcome to serve as a team member. Our group goes 3:30-7:30 PM on 4th Sundays. Contact Bill Seiler to find out more.

We also collect hundreds of sandwiches each month to deliver to Martha’s Table for their many programs helping low income and homeless persons. Individuals or families (including young children) can make sandwiches at home, and drop off in the afternoon on 4th Sundays, just before the van leaves (see the signup for full instructions). Contact Michelle Gilles with questions.

Parish Care Ministry

Parish Care Ministry – Volunteers offer parishioners ★ Visits to homebound, respite care, companionship ★ Housekeeping, errands, home chores, meal prep ★ Sharing prayers, reading, listening, fellowship, referrals. Transportation & Medical services not provided. For more info, please contact Sandra Lopez

Prayer Shawls

Prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted by members of St. Mary of Sorrows’ faith community and blessed by our priests. We meet the second Wednesday of the month September through May. We happily welcome new members. The shawls are intended to be given to anyone experiencing serious or chronic physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health issues.

To receive or give one, contact:

Linda 703-425-6163,
Mary 703-323-7597,

Pro-Life Ministries

Many St. Mary’s parishioners attend the Annual March for Life in Washington, DC in January and observe the 40 Days for Life Vigil during Lent by fasting and praying for God’s help in moving the hearts of everyone to choose life. Parishioner, John Murray, serves as the Pro-Life POC at St. Mary’s: 703-978-6135.

The Pro-Life Ministries Team at St. Mary’s include volunteers with:

Samaritan Fund

St. Mary of Sorrows Samaritan Fund Program provides funding to programs that assist individuals and families struggling to meet basic needs for housing, utilities, and medical costs, including Catholics for Housing, Dorothy Day Catholic Workers House, House of Mercy, Father McKenna Center, Fairfax F.I.S.H, The Lamb Center, Martha’s Table, So Others Might Eat (SOME), FACETS, Britepaths, Oxford Houses of Virginia and St. Lucy Project . Our goal is to assist low-income families through referral to these established local programs and services to help them move toward greater financial independence. You can help by continuing to pray for those in need and for those who are dedicated to helping.  Also, please consider making a monetary donation to St. Mary’s Samaritan Fund, so that we can continue responding through prayer and financial assistance.

School Supplies & Technology Monetary Collection

St. Mary’s provides financial support for school supplies and technology to charitable organizations and schools assisting families in need, including Burke CARES, GSMI (God Send Ministry International), House of Mercy, Main Street Child Development Center, OAR, Safe Passage/Camino Seguro, Tenants and Workers United, and Woodlawn Elementary School. This support is made possible from generous donations by St. Mary’s parishioners.

St. Lucy Project Food Drive –

Each year, St. Mary’s parishioners host a food drive to support the Catholic Charities St. Lucy Project, which helps feed our brothers and sisters in need throughout all the counties in our Diocese all year long. We welcome adults and parents with their teens to volunteer to help us load the food donations onto the St. Lucy’s truck. Once a date is confirmed for this event, additional information will appear in our Parish Bulletin and website.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry – Women parishioners are invited to be connected with a St. Mary’s Stephen Minister for prayer and listening support for life challenges. Please contact Carol Williams – Please note, Stephen Ministry does not provide mental health counseling or crisis intervention. Please call 911 if you or a loved one is in crisis.

Tithing Fund

St. Mary’s tithes 10% of income to help those in need.

We provide tithing funds to residential support programs, such as Pathway Homes, Langley Residential Support Services, Marian Homes, and Community Living Alternatives, as well as the faith formation missionary work of Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) and St. Mary’s Preschool, and the senior citizen support program, Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax/Burke.

St. Mary’s also provides tithing funds to many Pro-Life ministries, including: A Best Choice Mobile Ultrasound & Pregnancy Resource Center, A Woman’s Choice Crisis Pregnancy Center, The MaRiH Center, Reece’s Rainbow, and The Paul Stefan Foundation.

Additionally, St. Mary’s provides tithing funds to support local and international missions working for peace and justice, including The Car Ministry, Centreville Immigration Forum, Friends of Chimbote Mission in Peru, Healthy Teeth Journey of Hope in Guatemala, Just Neighbors Ministry, Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Ghana, the La Salette Sisters Missionaries, Safe Passage in Guatemala, San Pedro Parish Mission in Guatemala, St. Bonaventure School and Mission in New Mexico, St. Claret School in India, The Sylhet Catholic Diocese in Bangladesh, and Toward America’s Children (TEACH) in Guatemala.

Tithing fund recipients support the principles of Catholic social teaching, as described by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops at

Tithing Fund application forms for each fiscal year (July 1st– June 30th) are available annually on our website. Completed applications are due each year on November 1st. They can be initiated by a parishioner of St. Mary’s or by the applicant organization.

Recipients of Tithing Funds for the prior fiscal year, who are applying for tithing funds for the upcoming fiscal year, must submit a Report on the Use of Funds, along with their application, in order for their application to be complete. This document will also be available annually on our website.

Completed applications must be submitted by email (no paper copies, please) to:

“35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and invite You in, or needing clothes and clothe You? 39 When did we see You sick or in prison and go to visit You?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.’”
– Jesus speaking in Matthew 25: 35-40