The St. Mary’s food pantry provides food to both charitable organizations and families. We identify the neediest people in our community with the help of Fairfax County and other local organizations. We also partner with other faith communities and non-profit programs serving families in low-income areas of Alexandria, Lorton, and Washington, DC. Each week, volunteers pack bags of fresh and non-perishable food that are delivered to or picked up by people who are struggling to meet their basic needs.
Contact Christina Benedi at or (703) 978-4141 ext 109 if you would like to volunteer or collaborate in some way with our program.
Those in Need
Food from the St Mary Food Pantry is available to families and individuals in need every four weeks. To enroll, email and/or leave a voice message on the Food Pantry phone at (202) 503-6430 by Noon on Monday (for food on Wednesday). Phone messages are picked up every Monday.
Food Donations can be left in a shopping cart in the foyer of the Parish Center from 8:30 am – 8:00 pm weekdays and 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekends. The Parish Center is the brown brick building on Sideburn Road (NOT the new church on Zion Dr).
We also encourage participation in our monthly collections which are held on the second Sunday of each month. Parishioners can grab a blue “returnable” bag after Mass and use them (or a plain bag) to bring back donations the following week.
Monetary donations are gratefully accepted. Please make checks out to St. Mary’s with “Food Pantry” in the memo line or donate online through
You can also join our St. Mary’s Facebook Group at
Contact us if you would like to organize your own collection of non-perishable food items and personal products. We’d love to work with you and can step you through the process.
Donation List:
We always need these items:
Canned Tuna
Canned Chicken
Cooking Oil
Laundry Detergent
Bagged Dry Beans
White Rice
Toilet Paper
Saltine Crackers
Corn Flour
Pasta Sauce
We also gratefully accept other non-perishable items such as:
Oatmeal (18oz)
Canned Fruit
Canned Diced Tomatoes
Canned Beans
Canned Potatoes
Canned Vegetables
Peanut Butter
Healthy Snacks
Pancake Mix
Tomato Sauce
Tomato Paste
Boxed potatoes
Meal Starters
Soups (all types)
Canned Chili
Canned Ravioli
Spaghetti O’s
Mac n cheese
Tea (black, green, herbal)
Coffee (instant or ground)
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Dish Liquid
Bar soap
Baby Wipes
Baby Diapers & Pull Ups (all sizes)
Kindly check expiration dates and avoid glass jars. Thank you!