A Word from Our Pastor
Upcoming News and Announcements - 03/7/25

- Young Adults gather for coffee and breakfast the first Sunday of the month after the 9:30am Mass every month.
- Family Adoration is offered every third Saturday of the month starting at 10:00am in the new church.
- Diaper, Wipes and Formula will be collected during the weekend of the fourth Sunday of the month and donations can be left in the foyer of the Parish Center.
- Food Pantry donation bags are given out the first weekend of the month with the collection through the second Sunday at 1:00pm. Donations can be left in the foyer.
- Martha’s Table Sandwich Collection is the fourth Sunday of the month with sandwiches dropped off in the back of Farrell Hall from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
- Bingo will be played on Saturday, April 5th in Farrell Hall. Chili, hot dogs will be served at 6:00pm with the games beginning at 6:30pm. Proceeds benefit TEACH. Bakers are requested!!!!
- Fr. Jack Riley will be coming to St. Mary of Sorrows for Mission Talks April 7-9. He will be giving talks after the 9:15am Mass and at 7:00pm.
- Deacon Nick will be giving a Lenten series talks on Tuesday evenings in St. Joseph’s Hall.
- Lenten Penance Service will be on Monday, March 31st at 4:00pm and Tuesday, April 1st at 7:00pm.
- Fish Fry on Fridays in Lent started and will continue until on April 11th.
- Stations of the Cross with confession continues every Friday in Lent.
- New this year…Evening Mass following Stations of the Cross.
- “Men’s Trivia Knight,” Tuesday, April 15, at 7:00 p.m. in Farrell Hall: Calling all men for fraternity, food, and fun! Join us for “Men’s Trivia Knight” on Tuesday, April 15, 7:00 p.m. in Farrell Hal. Be ready to unleash your knowledge of all things old and new! (Hosted by Knights of Columbus Council 8600)
- O Come Holy Spirit! Logs of Fire Prayer Group will be offering a dynamic adventure, learning how to live a Spirit-filled life overflowing with God’s gifts, goodness, grace, and gusto! To be held on Friday, April 25 — 6:30pm-9:00pm and Saturday, April 26 — 10:00am-4:00pm in St. Joseph’s Hall.
- ANNUAL POLISH NIGHT Polish Night will be held in Farrell Hall on Saturday, May 17, 2025, after the 5 pm Mass. While the event is hosted by St. Mary of Sorrows Knights of Columbus Council 8600, all St. Mary of Sorrows parishioners are invited to attend. The evening will start with appetizers, followed by a dinner of fresh and smoked kielbasa, pierogis, sauerkraut, and green beans. If that is not enough, dinner will be followed by desserts, to include cookies and perhaps the evening will include a bit of “Polish water”. This is always a fun event and all proceeds will be donated to the Bishop of North Alaska, a diocese of Polish priests supporting Native Alaskans. Cost for the event will be $25 per person. Individuals planning to attend are asked to sign up prior to May 12thto ensure adequate amounts of food can be purchased. Sign-ups can be completed at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0944AAAC2FA4FF2-
annual12 Any questions can be directed to Al Obuchowski alobuchowski@verizon.net or by phone at 703-352-1380.
Moving Foward
It will soon be time to think and plan for the next fiscal year. Groups should start thinking about the needs for space in the next year fiscal year, beginning in July and going through the school year (our fiscal year). More information will be released soon but start thinking about it. We will work on staff requirements first and move to groups within the parish and then outside groups. Thank you and stay tuned for more information.
Welcome from our Pastor
On behalf of our parish family, welcome to St. Mary of Sorrows parish website! We would love for you to join us on Sunday, and every day! Please look over our website and if we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to contact me or a staff member. Our mission/vision statement is listed below to provide you with a deeper sense of our commitment to our Lord Jesus.
In Christ Through Mary,
Rev. Thomas P. Vander Woude, Pastor