We are still without air conditioning in the church.
Upcoming News and Announcements
We will have all day and night Adoration on Friday with a Holy Hour at 7:00pm and First Saturday Devotions after the 9:15am Mass on Saturday.
Support mothers and children by helping with the Gabriel Project Baby Shower on October 5th from 10:00am to noon in Farrell Hall.
Calling all families!!! Join us for a fun night of Food and BINGO, Saturday, Oct. 5th at 6:00pm in Farrell Hall, as we support St. Mary’s Preschool!
Young Adult Coffee and Breakfast starting Sunday, October 6th after the 9:30am Mass in St. Joseph’s Hall.
In honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Women’s Group and the Rosary Makers are gathering for a Rosary on Monday in the church and invites you all to join them after the Rosary for a reception in St. Joseph’s Hall.
The Luminaries of Holy Mary will meet in the chapel at 5:00pm on Monday, to discuss Fatima and pray the Rosary.
The Porto Charities collection is this weekend. Porto Charities has programs that increase access to children in diocesan schools who have individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Marian Homes is sponsoring a shredding event on Saturday, October 12th in the Parish Center parking lot from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
Spaghetti dinner will be offered next Saturday after the 5:00pm Mass in Farrell Hall. Also join the Knights for a Pancake Breakfast after the 7:30am and 9:30am Masses in Farrell Hall.
The St. Mary children’s choir meets on Wednesday from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in St. Joseph’s Hall. The choir is open to children in grades 1 through 8. For more information, or to register your child, contact Jacob Temple, the Director of Sacred Music at jacobt@stmaryofsorrows.org.
We want to pray for our active military and if you know of a service person who would like to be on our list, please, either use the link or email their name and branch of the military to Irenea@stmaryofsorrows.org. We will publish the list in November so that we may pray for them.
SAVE THE DATE: The following events are coming up. Please make note on your calendar and watch for further information in our bulletin, on our website or in future Flocknotes!!
- “Taste of the World” St. Mary’s International Night will be held on October 19th. More information to come.
- Mass for Jubilarians will be held on October 20, 2024. To register, contact Irene Alexander at 703-978-4141, ext. 101.
- Parish Mission, October 8th-10th in St. Joseph’s Hall with Sr. Joseph Andrew, OP.
- Diaper, Wipes and Formula will be collected on the fourth Sunday of every month. Newborn and 1’s are especially needed.
- Anointing of the sick will be offered on the last Sunday of the month after the 11:30am Mass.
- AOH Ladies Tea will be on Friday, November 8th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm in St. Joseph’s Hall.
- Current Bulletin
- Link to Request Prayers for Active Military
- Deceased Parishioner/Funeral Arrangement Announcements
- Featured Parish Outreach Group – FACETS
- Cemetery Cleanup – See the notice at the top of the Cemetery Page
- Publications
- Our Bishops statement as chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee
- Annual Bike Collection – Saturday, April 13th, 2024 from 9AM until Noon. See the flyer HERE.
Moving Foward
Don’t missed it…
Meet Sr. Joseph Andrew, OP founding member of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the community. As the Community’s vocations director, she travels throughout the U.S. (and beyond) giving talks that employ Sacred Scripture, anthropology and psychology, guiding audiences to a greater understanding of the Divine Image in both male and female, and the authority God has entrusted to each.
Sister has published in various Catholic journals and magazines as well as led retreats for high school and university students, parishes, religious priests and seminarians in the USA, Canada and Austria. She has appeared on television including EWTN, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and, more recently, NPR, CBS, and Fox & Friends to speak about the amazing success of the Community’s first CD, “Mater Eucharistiae.”
Welcome from our Pastor
On behalf of our parish family, welcome to St. Mary of Sorrows parish website! We would love for you to join us on Sunday, and every day! Please look over our website and if we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to contact me or a staff member. Our mission/vision statement is listed below to provide you with a deeper sense of our commitment to our Lord Jesus.
In Christ Through Mary,
Rev. Thomas P. Vander Woude, Pastor