A Word from the Pastor

Change is good and Our Lord is watching out for each of us. Our Lord says many times, “Do Not Be Afraid” and we need to remember that as we approach a situation that requires us to change or when change is coming whether we like it or not. Draw closer to Our Lord when you feel uncertain and try to maintain a positive, joyous attitude because the Lord loves you.

Once again, I would like to remind you to join Fr. Peffley and me for a Farewell Reception in St. Joseph’s Hall on Sunday, June 23rd after the 11:30am Mass. Our transfer date is Thursday, June 27th. That day, as Fr. Peffley and I move out of the rectory, Fr. Vander Woude and Fr. Seh will be moving in. Please keep all the priests in your prayers.

Upcoming News and Announcements

After the 5:00 Mass on June 22, join us for dinner (tacos!) and a showing of Episode 3 of the 4th season of The Chosen. Season 4 follows the disciples as they move towards Jerusalem for Palm Sunday.

Saturday, June 22nd there will be a Deanery Mass celebrated by Bishop Burbidge for the parishes in our Deanery at St. Mark’s.

Are you willing to live out your baptismal promises through service and devotion to our Mother Mary? The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolate that seeks to advance the reign of Christ through Mary. The Legion members at St. Mary’s invite you to join them in pursuit of personal holiness and in the great quest for the salvation of souls. They will be outside after Mass to answer any questions you have about the Legion and how you can serve Jesus through Mary in active or auxiliary membership.

Everyone is invited to the Amigos en Cristo + Friends in Christ annual dinner and silent auction on Saturday, June 29th starting at 6pm. The price is $20 for adults, $15 for children under 12, and $60 for families. Proceeds from the event fund the Amigos en Cristo + Friends in Christ scholarship program. Please see the bulletin for more information.

There will be a Blood Drive on June 30th in Farrell Hall. See the bulletin for details.

The 4th Sunday sandwich collection will be June 23 at Farrell Hall back doors. Make sandwiches at home, drop off 1-3 PM (if that time does not work for you, please do not drop off sandwiches without first contacting mgilles866@gmail.com to see if we can make other arrangements). Please also pray for all those served through Martha’s Table. For more information or to sign up for future date reminders, go to https://tinyurl.com/MTSandwiches.

SAVE THE DATE: The following events are coming up. Please make note on your calendar and watch for further information in our bulletin, on our website or in future Flocknotes!!

Groups within the parish can submit calendar/room reservation requests via email at calendar@stmaryofsorrows.org starting May 1st. We have not begun scheduling yet as we are awaiting additional instructions from the diocese.

Installation Mass for the new pastor, Fr. Vander Woude will be at 6:30 on Tuesday, August 6th at 6:30pm with a reception afterwards in St. Joseph’s Hall.


Moving Foward

We will be starting the calendaring process after the new pastor arrives and settles in. We will be in touch when your group has been added to the calendar.

Welcome from our Pastor

On behalf of our parish family, welcome to St. Mary of Sorrows parish website! We would love for you to join us on Sunday, and every day!  Please look over our website and if we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to contact me or a staff member. Our mission/vision statement is listed below to provide you with a deeper sense of our commitment to our Lord Jesus.

In Christ Through Mary,
Rev. James S. Barkett, Pastor


SMoSCaring Community