Upcoming News and Announcements

We are in need of catechists for grades K-8. If you would like additional information, please email aidaw@stmaryofsorrows.org or see the QR code in this week’s bulletin.
Season 4, Episode 4 of “The Chosen” will be shown on this Saturday after the 5:00pm Mass. Even if you have not come before, you do already know most of the story, so join us for fellowship, food, film and faith.
Labor Day Picnic Planning Meeting will be held in Farrell Hall on Saturday, July 27th and August 17th at 10:00am. Many volunteers needed, to sign up to help, click the link http://tiny.cc/SMoSLDPicnic and join in on the fun!
Martha’s Table Sandwich Collection will be held on Sunday, July 28th. See the bulletin for drop off instructions.
Interested in becoming Catholic? We will have an Interest Meeting on Monday, July 29th and Thursday, August 22nd at 7:00pm in St. Joseph’s Hall. Everyone is welcome and light refreshments will be served.
The second collection this weekend will be for our missionary co-op from Tanzania. (For more information, see below.)
Bishop Burbidge is celebrating an Installation Mass for our new pastor, Fr. Vander Woude on Tuesday, August 6th at 6:30pm with a reception afterwards in St. Joseph’s Hall.
SAVE THE DATE: The following events are coming up. Please make note on your calendar and watch for further information in our bulletin, on our website or in future Flocknotes!!
  • Groups within the parish can submit calendar/room reservation requests via email at calendar@stmaryofsorrows.org. We have begun scheduling staff requests.
  • Installation Mass for the new pastor, Fr. Vander Woude will be at 6:30 on Tuesday, August 6th with a reception afterwards in St. Joseph’s Hall.
  • Consecration program begins August 13th in preparation of our Feast Day.
  • Multi-Cultural Mass will be held at St. Mary’s on August 16th with Bishop Burbidge. There will be a reception in St. Joseph’s Hall. More information to come.
  • Labor Day Mass and Picnic will be on Labor Day and starts with Mass at 10:00am, with the picnic following. Don’t forget to order your chicken dinner! We will have Bingo inside Farrell Hall, along with a bake sale, pizza, hamburgers, kids games and much more. Plan to join us until the end, at 2:00pm.


Moving Foward

In case you missed it….The second collection this weekend will support the annual Mission Cooperative Plan Appeal for our diocese.  Our parish mission organization is Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Usambara Tanga – TANZANIA. This appeal helps our brothers and sisters who do not have access to basic pastoral services that support and grow their faith, like Mass, the sacraments, religious education as well as basic needs – like food, shelter, and healthcare.  Please go to https://arlingtonmissions.org/mission/congregation-of-the-sisters-of-our-lady-of-usambara-tanga-tanzania/ to find out more about their ministry. If you would like to donate to their efforts click the link at the bottom on the page.  Through your support, the MCP Appeal helps these mission organizations form vibrant faith communities and strengthens the global Church.  Your gifts and prayers will be a blessing to families who benefit from this loving outreach in mission countries.

Welcome from our Pastor

On behalf of our parish family, welcome to St. Mary of Sorrows parish website! We would love for you to join us on Sunday, and every day!  Please look over our website and if we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to contact me or a staff member. Our mission/vision statement is listed below to provide you with a deeper sense of our commitment to our Lord Jesus.

In Christ Through Mary,
Rev. Thomas P. Vander Woude, Pastor


SMoSCaring Community